Faculty Advancement

On June 4, 2020, the Pentecostal Theological Seminary (PTS) Board of Trustees (BOT) approved advancement for two faculty members and the addition of a new faculty member effective with the academic year of 2020-21. According to the protocol of the Seminary, the modification of a faculty member's rank or position must complete the following:
recommendation from the Faculty Council, approval of the Office of the Dean and Vice-President for Academics, approval of the President and the Board of Trustees. The BOT approved the following:

**Dr. Daniel Alvarez approved as new
Assistant Professor of Theology
**Dr. Tony Richie approved as full-time faculty
Associate Professor of Theology
**Dr. Dale Coulter approved as new full-time
Professor of Historical Theology

These faculty members, along with our qualitative current faculty, strengthen the Seminary's commitment to academic preparation for our students. Dr. Baker, President, extends his congratulations to Dr. Alvarez, Dr. Richie and welcomes Dr. Coulter to the PTS team!

Dr. Daniel Alverez
Dr. Tony Richie
Dr. Dale Coulter



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