Silvina and Guillermo

Thank you very much for your support and prayers during our trip to Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.

We gave lectures to pastoral families and the leadership in numerous towns, in several districts of the island: Carolina, Fajardo and Trujillo Alto / Caguas, Rio Piedras and San Juan / Bayamón, El Toa and Manatí, all were in the north of the island and the Metropolitan area. After that, we traveled to the west of the island to be in the towns of Aguadilla, La montana and Mayagüez. The last conferences and ministration were given in the south, in the beautiful town of Ponce and Guayama.  After covering these areas, we were able to support the majority of the 237 churches in Puerto Rico, which were divided into 13 districts. We provided medical assistance with primary health care, psychological assistance and counseling to overcome post-traumatic stress.

On some occasions, we helped the entire community where the churches were located distributing supplies and food.  There were towns that still had no electricity, water or wifi; therefore, no distant communication.   However, we tried to communicate with everyone as much as possible.

We also went with a group of individuals to the mountains in the towns of Cayey and Barraquitas, and there was still no water or electricity there either. We reached needy people in their homes, terminally ill patients, elderly people and widows to whom we distributed food supplies, the Word of God, and a word of hope through Jesus Christ the Lord!

During the week, we personally ministered to several pastoral marriages and leaders, also including those with medical and psychological needs, for the physical impact and stress on their emotional health after Hurricane Maria was tremendous.   Many lost part of their churches, and their houses. Many congregations declined in attendance because their members  migrated to the USA to start their lives anew.

Also, we were able to accompany, in giving the news to a pastoral family, the death of their son, which was very painful for everyone. For this we accompanied the Bishop Rev. Dr. Ricardo López and his wife Migdalia, being one of the most difficult situations in those days, participating then in the funeral.

After a little over a month on this journey, we are thankful and give God praise for what He has done.  It was a time of crisis, in which, we put our lives and ministry at the service of God and his work and we saw the work of God in that many giving their lives to Christ in desperate situations, others reconciling with the Lord, others being healed of emotional problems such as depression, anxiety.  We helped so many become aware that they must take care of their health in an integral way. We experienced pastors renewing their commitment and ministry to God, despite the adverse circumstances.

Thanks to all the brothers and sisters, who have prayed for us and have offered assistance so that we could be more than a month on the Island of Puerto Rico, doing the missionary work.

We are willing and available to collaborate in any crisis situation. As Acts 20:35 says - "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember. The words of the Lord Jesus that He said: “it is more blessed to give than to receive"(NKJV)

Hugs from Latin America, we love you!

Guillermo and Silvina






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