Dean Han Attends Global Christian Forum (GFC) Meeting

Dean Han was among 24 Christian leaders around the globe that gathered in Kuala Lumpur for the 2019 annual Global Christian Forum Committee meeting. First held in 1998, the Global Christian Forum is a movement of representatives from diverse Christian churches, organizations, streams, and traditions that seek to promote deeper interactions between and among Christian constituencies. The Global Christian Forum holds its global gathering in every 5-7 years, with its central committee, i.e., Global Christian Forum Committee, meeting annually in different locations around the world. This year’s Global Christian Forum Committee meeting, hosted by Calvary Church Kuala Lumpur at the Calvary Convention Centre from Feb 11 to 13, provided these representatives a platform to engage with one another, to explore and address shared current concerns, such as social and ethical questions, secularization, challenges of minority status as well as persecution.

Dean Han has been involved with the Global Christian Forum since 2002. He currently serves on its central Committee (picture below) which represents a wide range of Christian churches, e.g., Evangelicals, Independent churches, Mainline Protestants, Pentecostals/Charismatics, Orthodox churches, and Roman Catholics. In addition to serving on the central Committee, Dean Han represents the global Pentecostalism on the Committee’s 6-person Facilitation Group that help guide the ongoing work of the Global Christian Forum between the annual Committee meetings. 

Follow Link for More Information on the Global Christian Forum 




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