Dr. McMahan receives Meritorious Service Award

Dr. Michael L. Baker, President of Pentecostal Theological Seminary, proudly announces Dr. Oliver McMahan, Professor of Counseling and Chair of the Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, was presented the 2018 ASERVIC Meritorious Service Award.   The award was presented to Dr. McMahan by the American Counseling Association’s (ACA) through their spirituality and ethics division— The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC).  ASERVIC states the Meritorious Service Award is given each year to an ASERVIC member “who has demonstrated significant service in the field of counseling and values in areas related to concerns of a spiritual and/or humanitarian nature, as well as someone who promotes the ideals, values, and programs of ASERVIC” and has made “contributions to the development and sponsorship of new and creative programming in spiritual and value interest in counseling.”  Dr. McMahan serves as a member of the Editorial Review Board for the ASERVIC Journal, Counseling and Values.  Congratulations to Dr. McMahan!  The administration, faculty, staff and students here at PTS are very proud of you and your achievements.




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