PTS hosting ALEAL, the Presidents of the primary theological educational institutions of the Church of God in Latin America.

During May 9-10, ALEAL, the Association of Latin America, was hosted by the Pentecostal Theological Seminary for its annual meeting.  ALEAL represents the presidents of Church of God institutions of Theological education in Latin America.  Included among the participating ALEAL Presidents are, Bishop Carlos Canizales from Seminario Biblico Pentecostal de Centroamérica (SEBIPCA) in Guatemala, Dr. Franscisco Jimenez from Seminario Ministerial Sudamericano (SEMISUD) in Ecuador, Bishop Francisco Ortiz from Universidad Teológica del Caribe (UTC) in Puerto Rico, Bishop Reinaldo Morais from Seminario Evangélico da Igreja de Deus (SEID) in Brazil, Bishop Kris Ramsumdar from Seminario Biblico Mexicano (SEBIME) in Mexico. Dr. Enrique De Jesus, as the Director of USA Hispanic Education, is also a member of the ALEAL.

Dr. Michael L. Baker, Chancellor of  Education and President of PTS, presented  “The Future of Theological Education: Shaping a Preferred Future.”  Dr. David Han, Academic Dean offered a dialogical presentation on “Current Projections and Future Strategies in Educational Collaboration” between PTS and the Church of God educational institutions and ministry agencies in Latin America.





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