YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A SEMINAR: Level 2 (Freedom and Healing that Produces Spiritual Transformation.



A ministry sponsored by the

Pentecostal Theological Seminary

July 14-15, 2017

On Campus

“Freedom & Healing That Produces

Spiritual Transformation”



Dr.  Larry G. Hess

Special Assistant to the Chancellor of Education

Dr. R. Lamar Vest

Former General overseer, Former President of Theological Seminary,

Former President of American Bible Society


Featuring Personality Profile – “Freed To Be Me”

From - Servants by Design – Process Spiritual Model


Level One offers -- 6 hours of CEU credits

Level Two -- additional 6 hours of CEU Credits


SESSION I -  1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Speakers - Larry Hess

Review of Level I (For those who missed the Seminar on May 18)

   Overview of the Personality Profile and

the Process of a Spiritual Transformation


SESSION II – Level II – Introduction

General Session 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Speaker -  Lamar Vest


SESSION III – 8:30 am to 10:00 am


“A decisive Transformation -  A Turning Point -produced by the Holy Spirit


BREAK – 10:00 – 10:15 am


SESSION IV – 10:15 to 11:15 am


Speaker –Larry G. Hess

Strength Deployment Inventory – “How we respond when faced with conflict and opposition”


 SESSION V – 11:15 AM TO 12:15 PM

Speaker – Larry G. Hess

16 Factor Personality Inventory: Dangerous

Patterns of Thinking When faced with Conflict and Deep Hurts


 SESSION VI – 12:15 – 1:00 pm

Questions and Interaction

Closing Response:  Lamar Vest


SEMINAR 3 -- August 11-12, 2017


These Seminars on:

        “Freedom & Healing for Spiritual Transformation”

are dedicated to the FINISH Commitment:

General Overseer, Dr. Timothy Hill has challenged the Church of God around the world to:


Go Forward and fulfill the Great Commission to impact the world for Christ.  As we seek to live out our commitment to FINISH the global challenge facing the body of Christ we must live Holy Spirit filled lives that are:

Free, Healed, and Transformed -

That we can live out the Spirit Filled life and be our very best as we seek to follow the destiny God has for us individually and for the Church of God.


Why should You attend this seminar?

                               Some Areas of Focus:


Ø Develop attitudes that Transforms

Ø Avoiding the potential pitfalls

Ø Endure suffering and avoid your dark side

Ø How to sustain an ongoing transformation

Ø Leadership is about inspiring people to greatness

Ø Learn about negative conflict behaviors

Ø Managing conflict without destroying lives

Ø How to be resourceful and persistent

Ø Compassionate leadership vs. manipulation

Ø What is positive conflict? Negative conflict?

Ø How can we engage positive conflict?

Ø Helping people end cycles of negative behavior

Ø Strategies for motivating each personality type

Ø How to develop a unified ministry team


Following the concepts of Spiritual Transformation will release the miracle working power of Christ!


Knowledge is powerful but a transformed faith with the truth and humility is unstoppable


This Seminar will introduce you to a number  of opportunities.


1. From this Seminar, I hope that you will gain for yourself the following and much more:

  • How to understand your personal needs and the causes of your greatest struggles
  • How to know and identify people’s personality styles with the key elements behind their behaviors
  • How to know your own positive styles of leadership, along with your weaknesses and negative styles of leadership
  • How to live Free - Healthy – Joyous – fearless – with total confidence in the faithfulness of God to be in control of your destiny & How to live in the Glory of God as a Transformed Spiritual Leader free of destructive distress and conflict
  • How to identify and possess the keys to effective communication, intense conflict & problem solving skills, and how to be honest and   accountable
  • How to be spiritually mature with a broken heart of humility and self confidence
  • Learn the secrets for connecting with people in ways to mentor, coach, and/or counsel with effective skills 

2. I am inviting you to partner with me and The Pentecostal Theological Seminary to develop the skills and knowledge to help people, to build up congregations, and to give yourself a specialized ministry that could help you financially after you no longer have an appointment, a pastorate, or a job.

3. Finally, I want to introduce you to a powerful way to build great churches, train key leaders and expand the core group of local church leader

4. Each person attending this Seminar will take online the Inventory – “Freed To Be Me.”  This inventory will be the basis for the Seminar.   Also, in this seminar you will be introduced to other models and inventories to expand your knowledge of Leadership Development, Effective Communication, Conflict Resolution, Family Counselling, and Understanding People. 

Most important of all is that you will learn from this Seminar the power of living a Spiritually Transformed Life and how to SUSTAIN this transformation under all of life’s struggles.



  1. Ø Reply to this email at and confirm       that you will attend.  
  2. Ø The cost of each seminar is $75 per person,  Pay at  the Seminar
  3. which includes the cost of all materials, the “Freed To Be Me” personal profile from Servants by Design, which will be based on your responses to the profile questions. Your profile will be included in your Seminar Notebook.
  4. Ø After you register for the Seminar you will receive a link and special code with instructions to complete the “Freed To Be Me”, inventory from  
  5. Ø You will be allowed to pay on site at the seminar.

If you do not attend but you do complete the profile you will be ask to pay for the profile. Please let me know if you need to cancel.





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Cleveland, TN 37311
800.228.9126 | 423.478.1131


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