Missions/Evangelism Week Speaker David M. Griffis

Church of God World Missions joins in with those around the world who believe the Great Commission can be finished in this generation. Out of this belief has come a strategy to reach major cities around the world with the people and resources God gives.

The cities are Amsterdam, Bangkok, Georgetown (Guyana), Kigali (Rwanda- E. Africa), Lomé (Togo – W. Africa), Manila, Mexico City, Moscow, Paris, Prague, and São Paulo.

We are committed to: FOCUS on the Light; INVADE the Darkness; NAVIGATE the Needs; INTERCEDE for Souls; SEND the Light; and HEAL the Nations.

Director David Griffis declares: “We will evangelize the cities, plant churches, provide an evangelism and training center in each one and then, like the Good Samaritan, stay alongside them until they are able to sustain their own commitment to FINISH.”

 F - FOCUS Focus on the Light - We will focus on being bearers of the light of Christ, individually and corporately each moment, every day.

 I - INVADE Invade the Darkness - We will GO into darkened places of the world where God is leading us to invade with His light.

 N - NAVIGATE Navigate the Needs - We will navigate the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of people who have gathered in 10 world class cities so Truth can be illuminated for them.

 I – INTERCEDE Intercede for Souls-  We will intentionally present the needs of these cities to God our Creator and Provider each day.

 S - SEND Send the Light - We will send materials, provide education, activate humanitarian efforts, and be zealous in our ministry to the people of these cities.

 H - HEAL Heal the Nations - We will provide prayer, the Word, the Living Water, and love for our fellow man, which will bring complete healing to the inhabitants of these cities.



A product of Church of God World Missions influence, David Griffis comes to World Missions to extend his own effect upon world evangelization, initiated by his father, Garland Griffis, who served many years as a World Missions field representative.

Having served on the Executive Committee for eight years, David brings to the position of director of World Missions a wealth of experience and administrative ability.

A native of Cleveland, Tennessee, David received a B.A. in Religious Education from Lee University; accomplished graduate studies at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary; and obtained an Honorary Doctorate in Theology for Lifetime Achievement in 2000.

Dr. Griffis has been an ordained minister of the Church of God since 1977. Since that time, he pastored several churches; served on the State Evangelism and Home Missions Board in Tennessee, State Evangelism and Home Missions director in Oklahoma; State Youth and Christian Education Board/Tennessee, State Youth and Christian Education director/Oklahoma, South Georgia, and South Carolina; administrative bishop of West Virginia and Tennessee; appointed to the General Board of Youth and Christian Education, Ministry to Israel Board of Directors, and Chairman of the Editorial and Publications Board; elected twice to the Council of Eighteen; served as international assistant and director respectively of Youth and Christian Education; and then was elected as third assistant general overseer, followed by his election as first assistant general overseer.

Dr. Griffis has held various other offices and positions within the Church of God, and has received multiple honors and recognitions, among them the Distinguished Christian Service Award from the Tennessee Alumni Association. He has authored and published several books and articles, some of which are: Spirit Wars; In Such an Hour; and Characters with Character.

World Missions welcomes Dr. David Griffis to its helm and looks forward to an increased harvest under his leadership.





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Cleveland, TN 37311
800.228.9126 | 423.478.1131


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