One of the most significant events of each academic year is the convening of Commencement.  Since the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the early part of 2020, we have faced critical issues and continuous modifications.  The pandemic continues to evolve and we are monitoring all variables to insure the health and welfare of all PTS students and personnel.
Following continued review by the PTS COVID-19 Task Force, there was deliberation with the Board of Trustees (BOT) and the difficult decision was made in April to postpone Commencement scheduled at the end of May.  This news was a great disappointment for the PTS family and 2020 graduates.  PTS is global in its educational outreach and graduation would require travel by most of the students.  In addition, there would be concern for possible exposure to the virus, CDC public health guidance regarding social distancing, and restrictions for large gatherings.  Our first and foremost priority has been the health of our PTS community, students and guests that would attend Commencement.
We asked everyone to hold the dates of September 25-26 for the rescheduling of Commencement.  It was our hope that the virus would decline and PTS could convene graduation.  However, COVID-19 still expands its impact by the following:  touching the health of many individuals, travel restrictions, distancing requirements, wearing masks, school closings, business closings, church closings, and much more.
After much deliberation and concern for all the variables beyond our control, the President’s Council, with the approval of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, decided once again postponement of Commencement from September until December 5, 2020.  Further, we will prepare for graduation (possibly virtual) in December with global video streaming.
While the announcement addresses graduation, please know that all is well and ready at PTS for the 2020 Fall term.  In addition, information will be shared regarding graduation details in the coming days.
We look forward to celebrating the outstanding accomplishments of our PTS graduates and anticipate a huge celebration in December!





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