Studies in the Holiness and Pentecostal Movements Series (SHPM)

We’re pleased to announce a new Penn State University Press book series titled Studies in the Holiness and Pentecostal Movements (SHPM), edited by David Bundy, Geordan Hammond, and David Sang-Ehil Han. The series has its origins in an ongoing joint session of the MWRC and Pentecostal Theological Seminary that began at the American Academy Religion in 2018 with a focus on exploring the intersections between the Holiness and Pentecostal Movements (further info is available on the MWRC AAR page). We welcome you getting in touch about possible book projects for the series, and we’ll be grateful for any help you can give in spreading the word about the series.

Description of the Series

The Holiness and Pentecostal movements have influenced most Christian churches since the 1830s. Born on the edges of Methodist revivalism, the Holiness movement incorporated elements from other Christian traditions; simultaneously, its doctrines and practices were adapted by those other traditions. A similar phenomenon can be observed in the dynamic relationship between the Pentecostal movement and Protestant and Catholic churches during the Charismatic Renewal of the twentieth century. These competing traditions and spiritualities are often studied in relative isolation from each other, but they share a rich history and theology and have influenced each other over the years.

Studies in the Holiness and Pentecostal Movements seeks to enhance our understanding of both traditions by examining the two movements, and their complex relationship, through a multidisciplinary lens. Bringing these traditions into critical comparison and dialogue will open up extensive possibilities for scholarly research. The series welcomes original work from a variety of scholarly disciplines and geographical perspectives.

Submitting Proposals

Initial inquiries should take the form of a three to five page proposal outlining the intent of the project, its scope, its relation to other work on the topic, and the audience(s) you have in mind. Please include a current CV and one or two sample chapters, if available.

Questions or submissions can be addressed to the editors or Kathryn B. Yahner, Acquisitions Editor, Penn State University Press: | 814-867-2217

See also the SHPM page on the PSUP website.


David Bundy, Manchester Wesley Research Centre
Geordan Hammond, Manchester Wesley Research Centre and Nazarene Theological College
David Sang-Ehil Han, Pentecostal Theological Seminary

Editorial Board:

Daniel Álvarez, Pentecostal Theological Seminary, USA
Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, Trinity Theological Seminary, Ghana
Candy Gunther Brown, Indiana University, USA
Naomi Haynes, University of Edinburgh, UK
Mark Hutchinson, Alphacrucis College, Australia
Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Giancarlo Rinaldi, University of Naples, Italy
Cheryl J. Sanders, Howard University School of Divinity, USA
Elizabeth Salazar Sanzana, Comunidad Teológica Evangélica de Chile




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