Good News Alert
“2020 ushers in the ‘Roaring Twenties’ for Sharing the Gospel.”

It is difficult to believe we are looking back on 2019.  It seems like only yesterday we were saying, “Where did the year 2018 go?”  Now, we are reflecting on the virtues and blessings of the Global Institute for Ministry and Training (GIMT), as we expectantly, and with great optimism, hear the roaring of the Lion of Judah, proclaiming to the world His salvific and  Second Coming message in 2020.    

The (GIMT), in partnership with Dr. Michael Baker and the Pentecostal Theological Seminary finished 2019 with another awesome year of providing training around the world.  GIMT is a non-profit whose mission is to provide Training and Ministry Courses (15 in total), as a force multiplier to Churches, Ministers, Laity, Conferences, Workshops, States, Schools, Colleges, Seminaries and Universities wherever the need may be around the world.  

Dr. Waltrip, GIMT International Coordinator for Europe, Canada and Austral-Asia, began the GIMT 2019 training year in Sydney providing training at the National Assembly of Australia and attending the Planetshakers Conference in Melbourne. Pictured below are: Dr. Blayne Waltrip, Walter Alvarez (Overseer, Australia), Andrew Binda (Field Director for Asia-Pacific), Valerie Binda (Assistant, PTS Presidential Staff), Marc Morris (Superintendent of Austral-Asia) and Judy Griffis (Executive Leadership, World Missions). Note: Dr. David Griffis, Director, World Missions) was in attendance but is not pictured. 

This was followed in June by an intensive J-Term Course at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, Cleveland, Tennessee, on Understanding Islam: Christian Ministry in the Market Place.  The course was taught by Dr. Jerry McNabb, Adjunct Faculty, PTS, with guest  lectures by Dr. Blayne Waltrip,  Assistant Professor of Global Mission and Church Development Professor of Missions at PTS; former Muslim Raheel Rizvi, Alumnus PTS and Bishop Fred Nichols and Reverend Melody Nichols, Directors of Ishmael’s Blessings and International Trainers and Missionaries to Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan.  

Then it was off to Canada where, at the invitation of the National Bishop and Moderator for Canada, Keith Ivester, McNabb and Waltrip attended the National Assembly for Canada. During the National Assembly evening service Bishop Ivester introduced McNabb and Waltrip to the ministers and their laity as future partners in training in Canada.  Prior to their departure, McNabb and Waltrip were asked to meet with and brief the National Council of Canada on the scope of training and ministry that could be made available to Canada.  

September ushered in Project Erie, a record-breaking GIMT and Ishmaels’s Blessings training conducted by Missionary Pastors,  BishopSydney: Waltrip, Morris with local Ministers Fred and Rev. Melody Nichols, Lake and Jenny Bernet, Scott, April and Paige McNabb and workers from the local area.  Project Erie (Pennsylvania), a three-day immersion training on Islam, Evangelism, Outreach and Church Planting was conducted at the Erie Church of God along with the Praise Cathedral Church of God.  A record breaking 180 people from the surrounding community in Erie participated in the last evening of fun, games, fellowship, Bible dramas, singing and the Gospel Stories told through dramas presented by the local children.  

Next on the GIMT training schedule was Amsterdam where Waltrip and McNabb provided ministry at the new church plant in Amsterdam.  Dr. McNabb said, “I was truly honored to be given the privilege to speak at the morning worship service in the new “Send the Light”  Church of God Amsterdam.”   Netherland Overseer, Bishop John Olsen and his wife Shacela, presently serve as the pastors of this new work.  “We are looking forward to accepting Bishop Olsen’s invitation to return to Amsterdam and to come along side this emerging church plant and provide training to help reach 1.2 million Muslims in the major Netherland cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Ultrecht,  Waltrip said.” 

The journey continued as Waltrip and McNabb made their way to Germany and the European Theological Seminary, where Dr. Waltrip taught a course on “Contextualization” for the graduate students.  As a guest lecture for this class, McNabb taught the students on the topic of, “Contextualizing the Gospel Message for Evangelizing Muslims.”   

Upon completion of the Contextualization course, the next stop was the National Scotland Assembly in Glasgow, with Overseer, Bishop Dennis Tanner.   Dr. Larry Hess served as the speaker and teacher for the Assembly.  His teaching and preaching touched the hearts of the people in each service as God’s Holy Spirit moved to meet the needs of ministers, spouses and laity alike.   Missionary Pastors Fred and Melody Nichols, Dearborn, MI, attended the Assembly where we had the privilege of being present as Melody Nichols was awarded her Exhorters license by Dr. Larry Hess and Overseer, Dennis Tanner.   

McNabb, Waltrip, Fred and Melody Nichols and Dr. David Gibson, also had the opportunity to preach in the Highland churches.  McNabb said, “The highlight of my trip to Scotland was ministering to the people at the Inverness Church of God with Pastor Paul McGlaughlan.               

The training schedule for GIMT ended with an amazing Training Conference in Cordoba, Argentina.  The Regional Overseer for the North Central Area of Argentina ,Bishop Julio Ortiz invited the GIMT Training Team to conduct a three-day Conference on Leadership and be available to minister in the local churches on Sunday.  The Training Team was composed of Dr. Jose Santos, Ministerial Ethics; Jessica Santos, Women in Ministry: Relevant to the Local Church;  Dr. David Gibson, Leadership (PTS Adjunct Faculty); and Dr. Jerry McNabb, Islam and Sharing your Faith.  The GIMT International Coordinator for Latin America, Dr. Santos and his wife, Jessica, flawlessly facilitated the Conference, transportation, food and lodging.

The Team was housed, and the Conference  conducted in a beautiful former Convent, which is owed by a member of the Church of God, Oscar Praniak. Fifty plus ministers and their spouses attended the Training.   The worship services were powerful, and the teaching ministered to each person.  The Conference closed with individual classes that were specifically directed toward meeting the needs of the pastors, their spouses and women in ministry.  This time of closure was facilitated by Dr Santos and Jessica Santos.  

Please keep GIMT in your prayers for the upcoming training year of 2020.  







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