James M. Beaty, Ph.D.

A.B., Atlantic Christian College, 1945
M. Div., Vanderbilt Divinity School, 1949
Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1963


            Dr. Beaty came from a mill village where no one had completed high school and from a home where no one had been “born again.” With this unpromising background, he has served as a missionary in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and in South America for a total of 16 years. Dr. Beaty was the Assistant Professor of New Testament and Ethics at Lee College for seven years. He was the president of the Spanish Institute for six years, and faithfully served a 16-year term as the Vice President for Academics of the Seminary. Dr. Beaty also served on the General Board of Education of the Church of God for six years, Secretary and President of the Society for Pentecostal Studies for six years, and spent five years as a pastor and district pastor.


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